The Edmonton Nature Club is pleased to sponsor the Edmonton count. This traditional citizen-science project contributes data to an immense database managed and analyzed by Birds Canada and the National Audubon Society. Thousands of Christmas Counts occur around the world. Edmonton, Alberta has been continuously participating since 1955 and holds the world record for number of participants!
Come out for the count!
Feeder watchers tally birds in their yard and teams of counters (referred to as bush beaters) scour the city, on a specified date in December, to gather information on bird numbers. Hundreds of people participate in Edmonton. If you would like to join us for the Count check out the Participate page to get all the details.
The Edmonton Nature Club may host Count related presentations. Visit the Edmonton Nature Club (ENC) Calendar for listings.
Our Story
How did our Christmas Bird count get started and who was our first counter? How have the Count and our birds changed over the years? How did we achieve a World record and why is participation important? Find the answers to these questions and more in our Library.
Christmas Counters by Gerald Romanchuk
In addition to the Edmonton count another 40 or so events are held in Alberta in December and January.
For information on other counts in Canada: Birds Canada. Counts around the world:
Red-breasted Nuthatch photo by Gerald Romanchuk
Banner photo: Red Crossbill by Janice Hurlburt
Contact an Edmonton Christmas Bird Count volunteer: CONTACT